Today is the Grito – the celebration of Mexican independence. Ivonne, the governor of Yucatan, spoke of today’s heroes – the heroes of the fight against poverty, to provide all with equal rights and opportunities, for all to have access to education. The plaza grande is packed. Souvenirs are everywhere. Little horns and whistles blow loudly. The singer on the stage sings New York, New York a la Frank Sinatra but with a hard to understand accent. “If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere” which seems a little ironic on Mexican independence day given all the migration of Mexicans to the US. Little girls dress up in the colors of the flag. I ask to take their picture and their mom tells them to hide their pink cotton candy and they pose. I am not the first one to do this tonight. I tell her I love her bandana blouse and her friend asks me if I would like it. I say “yes,” because I rarely say “no.” She gives me the one she is wearing. Just like that. A lovely recuerdo. As I hurry across the street I hear the policeman say “andale guerita” and wonder who he’s talking to as I look around and realize it’s me. There’s no hiding here but still, at least today, everyone is Mexican.