maria rogal

designer, researcher, educator

minimum wage

If you think the minimum wage in the US is bad, try southern Mexico. Here’s a conversation I had with myself about what I pay for internet each month, which is about US$60. Let’s see — on Yucatecan minimum wage which is 48 pesos (US$4.42 a day) that means I would have to work 13 days to have internet for 30 days.

And then what would i eat? weeds and grass and dirt. Where would i sleep? a cardboard box. Which would totally negate a need for the internet — Maybe it’s just as well to eat a few silicone chips for dinner. I would die a peaceful death and still owe to the cable company.

This is a “sub-project” for me … to explore what people spend in relationship to minimum wage. Think Harper’s Index for Yucatán.

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