Gaby writes:Taking all these new products to Señor was amazing, especially because we were expecting new comments, and maybe new ideas from them… Maybe something surprising.
We displayed all the Tyvek and LED products. Next are the comments from 3 women in Señor and Marcos:
Rebozo (shawl): they really liked it, it had the right size. They think it is great for covering under the sun and even under rain. They liked the idea of the reflective strip, and they thought that they could include some kind of embroidery or painted detail (such as flowers or animals) to it.
LED Bag: They loved it, because it is something that they never saw before. We concluded that the primary asset of this product is its fashionable characteristic, over the functional LED safety property. They had some comments about this product, such as the possibility to have it in a different sizes (for kids), different models, or other designs and colors. They agreed that the lights are useful and very attractive, but material, style and visual innovation of the product were more important. About price, they agreed that $80 pesos (approximately US$8) is the top price to pay for it, with an embroidered design.
LED cap: “Anyone can have a cap, but with lights…?”, that was the first comment by Marcos about this product. The ladies thought that this is definitively a man product, and it is very useful to use at night in the dark roads. They talked about having other colors for the cap, different sizes and styles, even embroidered. The top price for this product is $35 pesos (US$3.5).
Henequen and tyvek bracelets: They liked it as a fashion item. For them, the one made of henequen seems to be stronger and directed to men. The tivek bracelet, with the painted designs is more “girly”, and they suggested that it could be a little thiner. Again, they agreed that the LED lights are very useful to use during the night time.
Rain coat: they liked the idea, but they think that the design still needs some work, although they think that the prototype is very good. They consider that it is very important for them to have these articles during huricane season, because they need to help people around their community to get in shelters, and they need something light, breathable and waterproof to do this. It needs long sleeves and to be totally closed.
Tyvek backpack: They liked it, because it is different from the LED bag. They agreed with Marcos that it needs to be more narrow and longer.
New idea: create LED belts made of Tyvek.
In general, the ladies liked all the ideas, because the materials are unique and original. Immediately, they wanted to know about prices and places to get materials. They are open to start working on them.