maria rogal

designer, researcher, educator

field research on products / investigación del campo en productos

Marcos with the bag and hat, both have LED lights for safety
Marcos with the bag and hat, both have LED lights for safety

In English 8.8.2008. Summary of the feedback from Marcos Cante (36, Señor, Quintana Roo) and Herbé Chim Ake (41, Miuxupip, Yucatán) about the projects for the public good – products of the MFA graphic design program at the University of Florida spring graduate seminar in design.

Comments: They liked, indeed loved, the use of Tyvek because of its attributes: waterproof, light, breathable, and strong. They considered work made by designer 1 will benefit from more detail and further iterations. Mainly, the prototype for the raincoat needs long sleeves and the open areas need to be sewn together so the user can remain dry. This is a concern because the rain is very strong. The designer should take into account that many women in the region are heavier and shorter than the product is designed for, and to fit the demographic the raincoat should be much larger. The backpack requires some redesign. In rural areas one would use it in densely forested areas where the pathways are often very narrow. Because the pack extends wider than the shoulders, this was considered to be problematic for use unless it, like the pathways, are more narrow. The bag with the two handles was well received because they liked that it can accommodate heavy loads and be carried by two people, and this is useful on visits to the market when one is buying large quantities of food for example.

The products made by designer 2 were very well received and were professionally presented. In other words, they had a nice sense of finish. As we were working with two men, the preferred item was the hat with lights, and it is recognized that this is something that men in the region use everyday. The reflective vest was considered useful and it was suggested that the pattern of the reflective parts could be more functional and related to Maya culture – numbers for example – rather than an abstract pattern. This could be one way to visually rescue the Maya visual legacy in a contemporary manner. The bracelets were very well received as well, particularly considering their fashion potential, that they are attractive, and have a double use: fashion statement and safety light. The bracelet made from henequen is probably more attractive to tourists and older women, while the Tyvek is more attractive to a younger audience. They suggested that the design of the patterns for the bracelets and the bag could also reference the Maya visual legacy and would like to see the designer experiment with this. Thus providing a third function: re-valuing cultural identity.

One of the ideas that surfaced regarding the use of reflective material was to turn this into propaganda or advertising for tricycles and automobiles. For example, one could use this in the form of the Xyaat logotype and it would function for safety as well as promotion. Another variation could be to make this product using a magnet.

We did not get feedback from the men on the shawl and plan to ask women about the products as well.

En Español. 8.8.2008. Resumen de los comentarios hechos por Marcos Cante (36, Señor, Quintana Roo) y Herbé Chim Ake (41, Miuxupip, Yucatán) sobre los proyectos para el beneficio social – productos del programa posgrado de diseño gráfico de la Universidad de Florida, curso posgrado en diseño, primavera 2008.

Comentarios: El material Tyvek les gusta porque es impermeable, irrompible, liviano y respirable. Consideran que los materiales elaborados por diseñador 1 (D1) necesita más detalle y elaboración. Principalmente el prototipo para la capa de lluvia, que requiere mangas y que sea más cerrado, para que realmente permita que la persona se mantenga seca. Se debe tomar en cuenta que las mujeres son más gruesas y bajas en estas zonas, por lo que estos materiales podrian ser más amplios considerando estas necesidades demográficas. La mochila requiere de rediseño, ya que se comentó que su uso en selva y bosques puede ser incómodo si se mantiene el ancho actual. La bolsa grande fue bien recibida, ya que les gusta la idea de su manejo por parte de dos personas, en ocasiones como las visitas al mercado, donde se deben transportar muchas cantidades de comida.

Sobre los materiales elaborados por el diseñador 2 (D2), el acabado de los productos les pareció muy bueno. Hay mayor preferencia por la gorra con luces, ya que los hombres en la zona las usan diariamente, con mucha frecuencia. Sobre el chaleco con reflectivo, se consideró que también que es muy útil, y surgió la idea de crear motivos mayas con las piezas del reflectivo, buscando rescatar visualmente la cultura de una manera moderna. Las pulseras fueron muy bien recibidas, ya que consideran que pueden ser elementos de moda, muy llamativos, que cumplen una doble función, además de ser dispositivos de seguridad. Se cree que el uso del henequén puede ser más atractivo para turistas y personas de mayor edad. El tyvek puede ser más atractivo para el uso de las pulseras por parte de los jóvenes. El diseño de patrones en las pulseras y en el bolso pueden ser mayas, sumamente variados.

Una de las ideas que surgió sobre el material reflejante, fue el uso de éste como material propagandístico en automóviles. En vez de utilizar piezas del material sin ningún orden lógico, se pueden crear las piezas formando el logotipo de Xyaat, que brillarán en la noche formando formas muy llamativas. Una variación de esta idea es hacerlo como imán.

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