maria rogal

designer, researcher, educator

Empowerment and attitude

Gaby writes:
Wow, blogging!
You know, when I think about all these projects here in Mexico, I start thinking about the first time I leaned about the word EMPOWERING. It is really difficult at the beginning to understand all the implications of it, but once you start working, it is magic. Empowering people is making people feel better about what they are, about their societies, culture, economy, jobs… It is one of the best ways to make these people to be able to develop themselves, and that is great, even for the developed countries.
Personally, working with Xyaat has been one of the best professional and educational experiences of my life. All the work pays off when you see people’s faces, showing pride and satisfaction about the collaboration.
There are a million possibilities in this business. Graphic Design is one of the most useful tools for developing communities, and I know that now. Politics, leadership, organization, planning… you can empower people by helping them to turn on engines and start the trip by themselves. It is easier that it sounds, really.
I don’t know if Maria said it before, but sometimes attitude is stronger than swollen ankles, stomach ache or hot weather and humidity. That is why I declare ATTITUDE the word of the trip.