maria rogal

designer, researcher, educator

Transforming Design: Indigeneity and Mestizaje in Latin America

DRS Collage
DRS Collage


UF Design Professors Gaby Hernández and María Rogal, along with Rául Sánchez of UF’s Department of English, led an international group of designers and design educators in a conversation titled “Transforming Design: Indigeneity and Mestizaje in Latin America.” The conversation took place on 27 June 2018 at the Design Research Society (DRS) Biennial Conference, held at the University of Limerick. The participants discussed ways to reconceive design theory, research, practice, and education in order to level the field on which non-Western perspectives on design can encounter and question the discipline’s traditional ways of knowing. Hernández, Rogal, and Sánchez are currently examining key outcomes of this conversation and preparing them for later publication by the DRS. The resulting paper will contribute to the ongoing conversation on decoloniality that is taking place in the discipline’s progressive quarters. Hernández, Rogal, and Sánchez are affiliate faculty in the Center of Latin American Studies.

DRS Collage